

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:朱天杰   |  责编:于梦琦

    2021年2月16日,森海塞尔官方发文。官方表示:为了能够在未来以最佳方式挖掘这些市场的潜力,森海塞尔正计划将自己的精力集中在专业业务的三个业务部门上(专业音频、商务通信、Neumann ),并正在寻找一个强大的合作伙伴来投资我们的消费者业务。



    Dear customers, partners and friends, 

    For more than 75 years, Sennheiser has stood for excellent technology and unique audio experiences. In everything we do, we live and breathe audio. Our decades of expertise in audio flow into all our products. We try to understand our customers' ideas, challenges and ambitions and translate them into new technologies, workflows and products. Our audio solutions are as individual as our customers' needs. 

    We also bring this emphasis on individuality into our own positioning. Across our Professional and Consumer divisions, we have four business units: Pro Audio, Business Communications, Neumann, and Consumer Electronics. All of our business units are characterized by different customer groups, customer requirements, product life cycles, and market dynamics. At the same time, there are major growth opportunities in each area. 

    In order to be able to exploit the potential of these markets in the best possible way in the future, we are planning to focus our own energy on the three business units in the Pro business and are looking for a strong partner to invest in our Consumer business. By taking this step, we are setting up our business units independently of each other, consistently continuing on the course we have taken to date. 

    The headphone market and the soundbar business in Consumer Electronics offer great growth potential – despite a highly dynamic market and strong competitive pressure. This is especially the case for the true wireless headphone market.  Our products stand for the best sound and a unique audio experience. These are crucial factors at the heart of the purchasing decision for our customers in the Premium Headphones, Audiophile, Enhanced Hearing and Soundbars segments. Together with a partner, we want to build upon these strengths. In addition, it is crucial to increase the visibility of Sennheiser products in the market in order to participate in sustainable growth. 

    A partnership for the Consumer business enables us to focus our own energy and resources on strengthening the Pro Audio, Business Communications and Neumann business units. Here, we plan to independently invest in our sound competence as well as in our market presence and visibility to continue to grow at an above-average rate and expand our strong position in the global market. 

    Our world is in a constant state of change. We must align ourselves with ever-changing challenges and realities. We are all feeling this now more than ever. But it also means that new possibilities, opportunities and ideas for the future are continuously emerging. For Sennheiser, this means that we must continue to develop and adapt. As a family business, we have to be agile and flexible and make decisions for the future. This is part of our entrepreneurial responsibility. 

    We strongly believe that all business units will emerge strengthened from the planned repositioning. With a partner at our side that invests in our Consumer business, we will be even better equipped to play to our strengths and to continue bringing the benefit of these strengths to our customers. Sennheiser has stood for excellent technology and unique audio experiences for over 75 years. We will continue to do so in the future. 

    Andreas and Daniel Sennheiser 




    75 年来,Sennheiser 一直拥有卓越的技术和独特的音频体验。在我们所做的一切中,我们生活和呼吸音频。我们数十年的音频专业知识将我们的所有产品都融入其中。我们努力了解客户的想法、挑战和抱负,并将其转化为新技术、工作流程和产品。我们的音频解决方案与客户的需求一样个性化。

    我们还将这种对个性的强调纳入我们自己的定位。在我们的专业和消费者部门,我们有四个业务部门:专业音频、商务通信、Neumann 和消费电子。我们所有的业务部门都具有不同的客户群、客户需求、产品生命周期和市场动态。同时,每个领域都有重大增长机会。


    尽管市场高度活跃,竞争压力巨大,但消费类电子产品的耳机市场和声吧业务仍具有巨大的增长潜力。真正的无线耳机市场尤其如此。 我们的产品代表最好的声音和独特的音频体验。这些都是高级耳机、发烧友、增强听力和音条细分市场中客户购买决策的核心因素。我们希望与合作伙伴一起,在这些优势上再接再厉。此外,为了提高 Sennheiser 产品在市场上的知名度,以参与可持续增长,这一点至关重要。

    消费者业务的合作伙伴关系使我们能够将自己的精力和资源集中在加强专业音频、商务通信和 Neumann 业务部门上。在这里,我们计划独立投资我们稳健的能力,以及我们的市场存在和知名度,以高于平均水平的速度增长,并扩大我们在全球市场的强势地位。


    我们坚信,所有业务单位都将从计划中的重新定位中得到加强。我们身边的合作伙伴投资于我们的消费者业务,我们将更有能力发挥我们的优势,并继续为我们的客户带来这些优势的好处。75 年来,Sennheiser 一直拥有卓越的技术和独特的音频体验。今后我们将继续这样做。








    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:森海塞尔重新定位:消费电子业务寻求投资,未来主攻专业音频、商务通信、Neumann http://dcdv.zol.com.cn/762/7626686.html

    dcdv.zol.com.cn true http://dcdv.zol.com.cn/762/7626686.html report 6531 2021年2月16日,森海塞尔官方发文。官方表示:为了能够在未来以最佳方式挖掘这些市场的潜力,森海塞尔正计划将自己的精力集中在专业业务的三个业务部门上(专业音频、商务通信、Neumann ),并正在寻找一个强大的合作伙伴来投资我们的消费者业务。本次森海塞尔官方...
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