

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:两三杯可乐


    Valve Corporation announced the dates for Steam's sales and game festivals in the first half of 2024. In addition to four seasonal sales covering the entire platform, there will be multiple themed sales (game festivals) and new product launches throughout the year.

    The schedule for Steam's sales and game festivals in the first half of 2024 is as follows:

    Capitalism & Economic Games Festival: January 8-15 (PT)

    Pirate vs Ninja Game Festival: January 22-29 (PT)

    New Product Launch Event: February 5-12 (PT)

    Remote Fun Game Festival: February 12-19 (PT)

    Dinosaur vs Robot Game Festival: February 26-March 4 (PT)

    Spring Sale: March 14-21 (Large Seasonal Sale)

    Card Deck Building Game Festival : March25 - April1(PT)

    First-Person Shooter Game Festival : April15 -22(PT)

    Farmer Management Game FestivaI :April29-May6(PT)

    Infinite Looping Game festival :May13-20(PT)Open World Survival Production Game festival :May27-June3( PT) New Product Launch Event :June10-June17( P T )Summer Sale : June27-July11( Large Seasonal Sale)

    These sales and festivals will provide gamers with a wide range of opportunities to purchase games at discounted prices and experience new releases. As always,it's recommended to check the official website or app for specific details and start planning your gaming calendar accordingly.


    dcdv.zol.com.cn true https://dcdv.zol.com.cn/846/8463264.html report 1309 Valve Corporation announced the dates for Steam's sales and game festivals in the first half of 2024. In addition to four seasonal sales covering the entire platform, there will be multiple themed sales (game festivals) and new product launches throu...
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