
    Waymo扩大无人车服务领域 进军洛杉矶迈阿密

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:两三杯可乐


    产品:one LKER 耳机

    Waymo扩大无人车服务领域 进军洛杉矶迈阿密

    Waymo, a leading player in the unmanned vehicle industry, recently announced an expansion of its services in Los Angeles. The company has expanded its Waymo One service to all users, regardless of whether they are locals or not within an area of 80 square miles (about 207 square kilometers) in Los Angeles. Users can now call for Waymo's autonomous ride-sharing service through their smartphones.

    According to reports from reliable sources, Waymo is also planning to expand its taxi service using unmanned vehicles, Waymo One, to Miami in Florida. However, it should be noted that Waymo will not immediately launch this service in Miami and will not provide it to all users like it did in Los Angeles.

    The company plans to conduct commercial tests of its unmanned taxi service using Waymo One at the beginning of next year in Miami and aims to make it available to all users by 2026. This expansion will increase the number of cities where Waymo One operates to four including Phoenix Arizona, San Francisco California and Austin Texas with more than one hundred thousand trips per week being conducted among these cities combined

    Waymo is known for its advanced technology and leadership role within the unmanned vehicle industry while expanding its service areas demonstrate its commitment towards bringing this innovative technology closer to people's lives across different regions across North America.

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