
    PUBG创造者新作 Artemis 称未来虚拟世界要兼容一切设备

      [  中关村在线 原创  ]   作者:薄荷糖的夏天

    PUBG创造者新作 Artemis 称未来虚拟世界要兼容一切设备

    Brendan Greene, the creator of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds," has announced that he is developing a game called Artemis, which he refers to as a "true metaverse." He believes that current "metaverses" in the market do not live up to their name. Greene aims to create a platform similar to the 3D internet, where users can create their own worlds and run on the same protocol.

    Artemis is the third game developed by Greene at PlayerUnknown Productions Studio, with two previous test prototypes - "Prologue" and an unnamed game that was used to test technology foundations for Artemis.

    Greene envisions Artemis becoming like open-ended internet where users can freely create, modify and share their "3D web pages" worlds while having content moderation power over them. He emphasizes that Artemis does not rely on NFTs but rather aims for compatibility across all devices eventually.

    Although faced with technical and financial challenges, Greene remains confident and expects Artemis to take approximately between ten to fifteen years to complete.

    Playerunknown's Battlegrounds
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    本文属于原创文章,如若转载,请注明来源:PUBG创造者新作 Artemis 称未来虚拟世界要兼容一切设备https://dcdv.zol.com.cn/934/9347529.html

    dcdv.zol.com.cn true https://dcdv.zol.com.cn/934/9347529.html report 1411 Brendan Greene, the creator of "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds," has announced that he is developing a game called Artemis, which he refers to as a "true metaverse." He believes that current "metaverses" in the market do not live up to their name. Gre...
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